Partner with Us

Financial Partnership

We invite various financial partnership opportunities for our current programs in the form of collaborations through CSR or Financial donations which can be made through the following options:

  • Support through collaborations on various grass root initiatives:  We at Parivartansheel invite companies that are keen on setting up/ spreading their CSR footprint to collaborate with us to identify new ways to make a difference to society. We can come together to explore additional programmes in the fields of education, healthcare and hygiene, women empowerment and vocational training.
  • Annual support through contribution to operational expenditure: All interested corporates, individuals or institutions may support by contributing towards part operational expenditure of our programs especially in the areas of education, women empowerment etc. The funds, so contributed, would be utilized to meet education-support-costs related to online digital learning centres/community development centres/partnered govt schools. These include, but are not limited to, costs for creation of learning centres, teaching-learning material, volunteer training,  school uniforms, text/note books, school consumables, and other related costs.
  • Specific support through funding of IT infrastructure such as funding of computers and related IT equipment, set-up of online learning centres, students’ books and uniforms,  etc.

Parivartansheel Sanstha registered as a Trust undertakes activities which are covered under Schedule VII of Section 135 of the Companies Act and Companies (CSR) Rules 2014.

For more information on the above-mentioned partnership options, please contact us at

Non-Financial Partnership

You can also support Parivartansheel Sanstha’s educational and women empowerment initiatives. We invite individuals, corporates or institutions to collaborate in the following ways:

  • Material donations: Donors may exclusively or in addition to funds, support Parivartansheel Sanstha through material contributions like  provisions of water dispensers, COVID-related-interventions like sanitiser liquid and sanitiser dispensers, reusable masks; free education software, school-support-equipment like wi-fi routers, TV screens, projectors, computers, laptops; etc which will help in strengthening our program-implementation process.
  • Technical & knowledge sharing partnership: Institutions or corporates may express interest in collaboration for workshops on topics like mental health, community hygiene and healthcare, life skills for youngsters, women empowerment, vocational training, community development activities etc (on a non-financial basis)
  • Volunteering: Donors and employees may connect with us and be part of volunteering activities at our community centres.